This is a place to capture requirements/additions changes to be made to the site. Once you have completed a task move it to the done area so we can capture the work we have done.


#. Item description/work to be done (Reporters Name) [Developer thoughts clarifications, if any]

To Do:

  1. “place for business name”—needs to be located where one signs in with address. (Alice). [I think this means add business name as optional when making a donation?]
  2. Add to Business Membership benefit “and link to your website” (not sure we should do that for $100 Business Contributor Members, maybe we should give the extra benefits only at the Business Sponsor Member level and up, needs strategy) (Alice)
  3. Membership benefit "Free Admission to the New China Lake Museum (Alice)
  4. (Business Members benefit "Free Admission to the New China Lake Museum —owner and immediate family)”(Alice)
  5. Add the new tri-fold to be printable so folks can snail mail the form in as an option, mention that if their address/phone info is on their check, they can add check purpose as “comment” and mail that to our PO address(Alice) [not clear is the second part is just to collect information online but send the check by mail?]
  6. Add page: History/"Aircraft Integration” (Alice)
  7. Add page: History/“Technology and Other”(Alice)
  8. separate the small aircraft section from “Weapons” and put it under “Aircraft Integration” tab(Alice)
  9. add more from the latest history book to cover the WSSA work we do,(Alice)
  10. put the parachute work etc. under "Technology, Other” and include the NASA Mars parachute work Elsa is doing (she can write that up) since that’s unclass latest history we can celebrate and use to develop STEM teaching grants.(Alice)
  11. Develop all disable pages (Megan)
  12. Add paper copies of membership and bricks to site (Megan)
  13. get a gift shop online manager (Megan)


  1. Create Initial Site (Megan)